Ali-blah-blah-blah: Speaking the Language of China
Track: Keynote | K2 |
同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 9:00am – 10:15am
Held in: Grand Ballroom II
Bill Chen - Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
Youyi Huang - Translators Association of China
Ron Myers - AMD
Moderator: Shunee Yee
With Alibaba’s record-breaking initial public offering, China continues to establish its position as the focal point in the future world of commerce. As China moves into a value-added economy, our way of doing business with and in China has to adjust with the times. Panelists will focus on what major multinational corporations in China are doing to communicate more effectively through functional, geographical and cultural barriers. Representatives from leading software, hardware and energy companies will discuss boundaries they’ve faced in their dealings with China and how we can overcome them.