It's a Crazy New World
Track: Keynote | K2 |
Friday, October 28, 2016, 11:30am – 12:45pm
Held in: Westmount
Helena Shih Chapman - IBM
Adolfo Hernandez - SDL
Moderators: Ulrich Henes,
Donna Parrish
Remember when your day was ruled by faxes and phone calls? When a costly conference call with your international team took much effort to organize? It wasn’t that long ago. And now, we look at cloud-hosted platforms and crowd-posted translations. We don’t walk down the hall to discuss a problem — we send a message through Slack. The changes have brought new demands as well — for increased security, volume, type, quality and timing of localization. We are challenged by new demands for real-time speech translations, up-to-date technology, cross-platform content, the magnitude of multilingual web content and the immediate needs of localized customer support. And, tomorrow’s demands will be things that we haven’t even thought of. In this session, leaders of well-established and forward-thinking organizations will talk about what they see as new challenges and opportunities for our industry and discuss ways that we can respond.