Language Is No Longer Human: RAG LLMs at News Agency EFE

Track: Multilingual AI | AI3 |
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Held in: Pembroke room
Juan Manuel Ruiz García - Agencia EFE 
Manuel Herranz - Pangeanic
Host: Karen Combe

Automatic publishing of human-quality, unrevised content, has long been the dream of localization managers. An unfulfilled dream even with Generative AI. The largest news agency in Spanish and the fourth largest in the world began an R&D journey to control journalistic-style news that could solve out-of-context general MT. Today, they will share the experiences, the drive towards the dream, managing expectations and results of a fully automated news processing workflow.


  • Language publishing can be fully automated;
  • MQM/MTQE is a language industry issue with a translator’s mind that is no longer necessary: the future is binary pass/no pass;
  • EFE’s workflow can be replicated with the myriad of ML engineers around.