Let's Talk About Japanese Again in Japan

Track: Global Business | Soara 2 |
同時通訳あり - Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 1:45pm – 2:30pm
Held in: Soara
Yoko Chiba - Women in Localization 
Miyuki Mori - Women in Localization 
Mai Sawamura - Women in Localization 
Yukako Ueda - NetApp
Moderator: Aki Ito

Japanese translation seems to be overshadowed by the big presence of China and the need for Simplified Chinese translations. However, the Japanese market remains one of the top priorities for most global companies, and Japanese is still listed as one of the most difficult languages to manage. Seasoned Japanese localizers from both the buyer side and language service provider side, who are active members of Women in Localization, will share some best practices for managing Japanese localization projects in a panel discussion format. Bring all your questions about Japanese localization and gain practical information firsthand.

Takeaways: Business developers will hear ideas for success in Japan from an international point of view.