Leveling Up Your Video Game Marketing Localization

Track: Media Localization | ML9 |   Everyone |
Thursday, October 12, 2023, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Siskiyou, Lobby Level
Marina Ilari - Terra Localizations 
Federica Lusardi - Square Enix
Host: Bruno Herrmann

There is more to game localization than the in-game text. In fact, a vast majority of the content surrounding video games is related to marketing. From in-store game descriptions to trailers, this type of content can be the difference between success or “game over”. The speakers will explore how the marketing and localization teams can work together to improve processes and achieve the best results in the different local markets. Because when it comes to selling internationally, localization is your ally.

Takeaways: Attendees can expect to learn more about marketing localization assets in the video game industry, get a clear understanding of the different stakeholders and processes, and take a close look at the challenges in this area and how best to tackle them.