Leveraging the Strength of the Globe to Succeed in Global Markets
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 |
Thursday, February 28, 2019, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Kelantan
Ben Cornelius - Cornelius Communications
Host: Morgan Gallup Zhu
In 1990 Ben Cornelius called a supplier in China to discuss business, then began buying materials direct. That was the first time he used the Chinese skills learned in the Navy for business. A decade later he had teams in China, India and Romania working in harmony to reach the goals of a multinational enterprise. By the following decade his organizations spanned six continents, and he was the only American on the US team. As a huge enterprise, he had the reach to save time. Even the smallest companies today can have a global reach when they set their sights beyond the horizon.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn that even small companies can take small steps to gain big rewards. If you are asking people around the world to buy in to your product, service or idea, then you are asking to change the world. You need to participate with the world to change it.