Life Sciences Business Round Table - Argos Multilingual, eCORRECTOR

Track: Preconference | P01 |
Special Registration Requirement
Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 9:00am – 12:30pm 
Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Meeting Room 1
Simon Andriesen - MediLingua 
Shannon Rose Farrell-Jackson - Argos Multilingual 
Mark Jeremy Hunt - eCORRECTOR 
Daniel Koenig - Beckman Coulter, Inc. 
Alex Zekakis - XTM International
Moderator: Clio Schils

In the world of translation and localization, the life sciences sector is different from any other industry because of the unique and specific nature of its requirements. With regulations changing on a continual basis, a premium is placed on quality above all else. For our Life Sciences Business Round Table in Warsaw, we are delighted to offer a stellar program with a particular focus on the challenges of life sciences localization. In this discussion forum, subject matter experts including clients and vendors will be presenting and sharing their thoughts and experiences on specific processes, as well as discussing the market entrance requirements and challenges in the life sciences industry in general.

Clients, vendors and life science professionals from other disciplines are welcome to participate in this session. However, vendor participation is limited and subject to screening. If you would like to participate in this round table, please contact Clio Schils to obtain the admission code necessary for registration.

How Do You Make Translations Important to Your Organization? — The Age-old Question – Dan Koenig (Beckman Coulter), Shannon Rose Farrell (Argos Multilingual)
With all the corporate changes, mergers and acquisitions and growth within the life sciences industry, we recognize that there is a lot of pain surrounding localization owners getting their decision makers and stakeholders to recognize the intrinsic value of translations and localization.  In this client/language service provider (LSP) partnered interactive session, we will be diving into the topic of “How to make translations important to your organization.”  Through collaborative breakout sessions and innovative, out-of-the-box brainstorming, we will drive the creation of impactful takeaways that each participant can implement in their own corporate environment.  For clients and LSPs alike, having the right dialogue and tools to navigate this vital topic can be key in helping to move our industry forward and continuing to launch much needed life-changing and life-saving products into growing global markets.

Usability Testing for Medical Devices – Simon Andriesen (MediLingua)
In this session we will focus on the ins and outs of usability testing (UT) for medical devices. What is UT? How is it conducted? Is UT regulated? MediLingua is also in the process of conducting a survey among life sciences companies about usability testing: do medical device companies conduct UT, and if so, how do they implement this. The initial outcome of this survey will be presented in Silicon Valley. The purpose of this session is for attendees to learn about UT but also for presenters and attendees to conclude with a set of UT best practices such as ideas on how to implement UT or how to optimize the effectiveness of UT.

Scientific Proofreading and Possible Lessons for the Localization Sector – Mark Hunt, eCorrector
The role of quality assurance (QA) editing is becoming more and more important. In the world of science, texts need to be very carefully checked; often scientific articles have been written by a nonnative-speaking author or translated by a nonspecialist (linguist). During this session the topic of linguistic QA will be addressed from a slightly different perspective: in the world of medical devices, what is usually distinguished as editing, proofreading and in-country review can sometimes be combined into one step by involving subject-matter experts or end user proofreaders.

Defining and Refining the TMS Selection Criteria for a Life Sciences Organization – Alex Zekakis, XTM International
Selecting the most appropriate TMS solution for any organization can be a complex and demanding process, even more so for a life sciences one due to the additional emphasis on certain aspects of the solution. During this session, we will have an interactive discussion with round table attendees, provide pointers and ask the attendees to break out into smaller groups to devise their most important selection criteria. As a group, we will further analyze the outcome and try to achieve consensus on the key features a TMS should have for a Life Sciences organization.

Further topics that are in the final stage or preparation include an update on the new medical device directive and a session on tools and technology in life sciences localization.