Linking Localization to Revenue and Profit Goals
Track: Preconference | P09 |
Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Salon 5 London
Andrew Lawless - Team Lawless
How much profit will your company generate with an increase in your localization budget? In this workshop we will help you develop localization metrics that matter to your executives. You will be able to make it a natural choice for them to fund localization, instead of cutting your budget. You will learn how to link localization to the executive agenda: revenue, profits, cash flow and growth. Instead, you are probably asking yourself: “What am I going to do now that my budget has decreased by 10%?”
Who will benefit from this workshop and why?
This workshop is geared toward managers of international projects, programs and products. Participants typically have one of the following or similar job titles:
- Digital marketing managers
- Director of localization
- Director of web globalization
- International product managers
- Localization manager
- Localization program manager
- Localization project manager
- Localization team lead
- Manager — globalization program
- Senior localization manager
- Translation manager