Localization 3.0 — The Solution for Transformation
Track: Advanced Localization Management | Soara 6 |
同時通訳あり - Simultaneous Interpretation
Thursday, April 5, 2018, 11:30am – 12:15pm
Held in: Soara
Anson Zhang - VMWare
Host: Yoko Chiba
Localization 3.0 is the next era for delivering localized products and services including mobile apps, software as a service applications and web contents in particular to global customers, linguistically and culturally. It is not just a new model and process but also a disruptive mindset for the industry to get adapted to. It brings fundamental changes for various roles including development, release management, localization management, translators and end users, yet creating a better world where we are offering and accessing new services and experience.
Takeaways: Localization 3.0 inspires the audience to truly rethink how to deliver localization as a service and experience for transformation through transformation of localization including mindset, customer engagement, business model, process and technology, and so on.