Localization Vendor Management Reloaded: How Buyers and LSPs Can Benefit from New Industry Practices
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL4 | Everyone |
Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 8:15am – 9:00am
Held in: Pavilion
Giada Gerotto - Creative Words
Jennifer Vela-Valido - Spotify
Host: Anne-Marie Colliander Lind
Localization vendor management processes have been evolving and adapting to the needs of companies that outsource their localization activities to different types of providers. In this session, we will take you through a journey into the evolution of vendor management practices. We will share the results of research conducted on the diverse settings that are currently followed by the industry and will conclude with a look into the trends and settings to watch for in years to come.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the evolution of the vendor management role according to industry needs; why vendor management is a key function for both language service providers and buyers; and how vendor management can help you stay ahead of the curve and benefit from new industry practices.