Localizing Human Transformation: Coaching Content and Concepts for a Global Audience
Track: Global Business | GB5 |
Thursday, October 12, 2023, 9:30am – 10:00am
Held in: Cascade, Lobby Level
Jamie Cox - BetterUp
Host: Oleksandr Pysaryuk
Active focus on human improvement, both personal and professional, has been found to increase productivity at work, reduce burnout, and create a stronger sense of purpose. But how cultures around the world look at work as a definition of self varies widely. This presentation aims to show how to tailor content focused on human transformation for a global audience, what that means for the localization workflows, and how to advocate for a global perspective throughout a piece of content’s lifecycle.
Takeaway: Attendees will better understand the care with which content needs to be tailored to specific audiences; will better understand how localization needs to be considered within all aspects of content creation, from concepts to the tools used to create content; and will leave with more interest in human improvement both as a concept and as a means for a more productive team