Navigating the Intersection: Seamlessly Integrating Large Language Models into Established Localization Systems

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL9 |   Everyone |
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Serra 2
Jonas Ryberg - Centific 
Demin Yan - VMWare 
Adam Youngfield - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Moderator: Alessandra Binazzi

In recent years, many customers have heavily invested in localization tools such as TMS (Translation Management Systems), TMs (Translation Memories), and Term Bases. Now, with the advent of AI, the key question becomes how to integrate it with these systems to preserve and enhance the features and benefits they offer. How can AI replace? Or how can AI be integrated? Furthermore, what role will human oversight play in an AI-enhanced localization process? During our panel discussion, industry leaders with firsthand experience will explore how AI can synergize with existing localization platforms, tools, and processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness, sharing their practical experiences and visions for a technology-integrated future.


How to Integrate AI into Current Systems: Learn from the experiences of panelists who have successfully incorporated AI into their existing localization frameworks. The session will cover specific strategies, highlight challenges faced, and present case studies to illustrate effective AI integration; Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency of AI: Explore whether AI truly offers cost savings and improved efficiencies compared to traditional localization systems.