To Copy or not to Copy: Writing and Translation in the Age of AI
Track: Sponsored Session | SS7D | Everyone |
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 1:30pm – 2:10pm
Held in: Steinbeck 1 B&C
Henrique Cabral - Bureau Works
Rinaldo Dieziger - WE ARE VERY
Katell Jentreau - Expedia Group
Moderator: Gabriel Fairman
SPONSORED BY: Bureau Works
Explore the immediate impact that machine learning has had in copywriting and translation with expert perspectives from Rinaldo Dieziger, Founder of We Are Very, Henrique Cabral, Chief Technology Officer at Bureau Works, and Katell Jentreau, Senior Director of Globalization at Expedia Group. Moderated by Gabriel Fairman.
In this fascinating exploration, we will explore the limits and intersections of the human and machine divide. How has writing and content in general already changed through Gen AI? How will it continue to evolve? How has the notion of quality shifted and where is it going to? What do the tools of the future need to provide writers and translators with? What do writers and translators have to give the tools?