The Changing Face of Partnerships: Localization’s Impact on Transformation Strategies

Track: Keynote | K2B: A Number of Keynotes |   Everyone |
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 10:15am – 11:15am
Held in: Steinbeck 3
Marianna Guédez Forgiarini - Arcaniam 
Josef Kubovsky - Nimdzi Insights 
Megan Sharp - Verizon 
Min Tan - Google

In today’s rapidly evolving global market, the localization industry is witnessing a significant shift in how partnerships are formed and managed. This panel discussion will explore the impact of localization on transformation strategies within large corporations, highlighting the challenges faced by localization teams and the strategies employed to navigate this changing landscape. Insights from industry experts and leaders will provide valuable perspectives on the evolving role of partnerships in localization and their implications for both localization departments and the wider organization.


Attendees will explore how localization is reshaping corporate transformation, understand the practical challenges faced by localization teams in evolving partnerships, and learn effective ways to integrate technology to boost localization processes.