Machine Translation/AI Round Table
Track: Global Toolbox | GTB3 |
Monday, July 11, 2022, 1:00am – 9:00am
Held in: bbw Akademie für Betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung GmbH
Konstantin Dranch - Custom.MT
Jay Marciano - Lengoo
Erik Vogt - Vogt Strategy
Peggy van der Kreeft - Deutsche Welle
Moderators: Olga Beregovaya,
Alon Lavie,
Peng Wang
Machine Translation/AI Round Table
The inaugural Machine Translation (MT)/AI Round Table aims to bring together members of the localization community who are interested in implementing and opening new frontiers of MT/AI-driven processes in their business, including human resources and other aspects of localization project management. To help the participants to better engage in the discussions, LocWorld partners with the American Machine Translation Association (AMTA) to organize a preparation online session before the round table and a follow-up tutorial online session after to fill in the knowledge gaps that participants will have in exploring their MT/AI deployment strategies.
By joining this round table, you will:
- Fill in your knowledge gaps in MT/AI implementation
- Develop actionable ideas for deploying your MT/AI solution
- Discuss industry best practices to manage people and MT/AI technologies
- Discover innovative strategies to open new service lines opportunities
- Learn about new frontiers in the MT/AI space
- Make valuable connections with industry peers
This round table is for:
- Decision-makers who must understand MT but don’t want to become technical experts
- Buyers who want to implement MT
- Project managers tasked with implementing an MT solution
- Vendors who want to leverage MT to meet their clients’ needs
- IT professionals involved in MT implementation
- Content managers responsible for global content
Agenda: July 11, 2022
9:00am-12:30pm: Managing People vs. Managing Tools and Data
- Module 1: General MT/AI topics: available commercial MT systems, public APIs, open source, tech stack integrations and known challenges, security issues, compliance, selecting MT providers, and more on types of MT
- Module 2: MT quality evaluation methodologies — human and automated, and AI-based approaches
- Module 3: MT quality estimation and its impact on continuous localization
12:30pm-2:00pm: Lunch break
2:00pm-5:30pm: New Frontiers in MT/AI: innovation in MT/AI Data
- Module 1: Maximize the human value in an MT/AI-driven localization process: resource management, crowdsourcing, and so on
- Module 2: Using AI to develop and manage multilingual datasets to protect people and brands
- Module 3: AI-driven global content transformation and creation
Technical Information Sessions (co-organized with AMTA)
Online Pre-session
July 6, 2022: Online
Prepare the working definitions of some terms and associated specialized knowledge that will be involved in the round table discussion; go through the agenda; give the participants a sense of right or wrong in terms of MT/AI knowledge most relevant to the round table discussion.
Online Follow-up Session
July 20, 2022: Online
Based on the inputs at the round table on July 11, a customized tutorial will be provided to fill the knowledge gap and compare notes.
Advisory Board Members: Michal Antczak (Paypal) Olga Beregovaya (Welocalize), Alon Lavie, (Unbabel)
AMTA representative: Jay Marciano (Lengoo)
This session will be held at:
bbw Akademie für Betriebswirtschaftliche
Weiterbildung GmbH
Am Schillertheater 2 | 10625 Berlin
Fees for this full-day session are €700