Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence for Africa

Track: Global Toolbox | GTB3 |
Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 5:00am – 8:00am
Held in: Zoom
Abake Adenle - ajala 
Yinka Ajibola - African Languages Lab 
Kalebu Gwalugano - Neurotech 
Asmelash Teka Hadgu - Lesan 
Sheriff Issaka - African Languages Lab 
Perez Ogayo - Carnegie Mellon University 
Steve Richardson - Association for Machine Translation in the Americas 
John Tinsley 
Peng Wang - Localization Institute

In terms of technology, the case for African languages is far more than customization, productivity, and cost reduction. There is more to be done to support the efforts of preserving the unique cultural and cognitive perspectives provided by African languages. In this session, we aim to facilitate the communication between language professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders in the African translation and localization space. Thus, to better understand the needs, challenges, and relevant language technological tools, including machine translation (MT), computer-assisted translation, and other natural language processing/AI techniques. We will showcase examples of best practices and tools that have been leveraged to build successful African language translation and localization models.

  • 1:00-1:10pm: General Introductions
  • 1:10-2:00pm: Part 1: Panel Discussion: Create Accessible MT/AI for Low-language Resource Languages
  • African music break
  • 2:10-3:10pm: Part 2: African Language Landscape, Technicalities, and Demo
  • African music break
  • 3:20-4:00pm: Part 3: Call to Action: A Community-centric Approach to Build a Corpus for Low-resource Languages

*Note that all LocWorldWide46 Africa attendees receive a 50% discount on Global Toolbox sessions! Just register first for the main conference and you will be sent a discount code.

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