What Makes a Good Localization According to Russian and Chinese Players

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL4 |
Thursday, October 27, 2016, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Westmount
Yury Petyushin - Allcorrect Group
Host: Arle Lommel

This presentation is dedicated to a research project completed by All Correct staff in the middle of 2016. Do players skip a lot of text when playing? Do they prefer voiceovers over subtitles? What localization errors are most irritating to these gamers? What is their attitude toward cultural adaptation? How do they usually react to a good or bad localization? Can they name the best and worst voiceovers? A survey was published on various gaming portals and social networks. It contained several dozen structured questions and gathered 4,500+ responses. The project is constantly growing – it began with surveys of Russian players, then Chinese players. We’re taking it further and would like to cover more countries to obtain a complete picture of players’ localization preferences around the world.