Many Views on Translation Quality: Time to Consolidate
Track: TAUS | TS3 |
Thursday, June 9, 2016, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Liffey Hall 2
Daniel Brockmann -
Alessandro Cattelan - MateCat
Catherine Dove - Z-Axis Tech Solutions Inc.
Klaus Fleischmann - Kaleidoscope
Suzanne Frank - Vistatec
Paola Valli - TAUS
Moderator: Jaap van der Meer
Translation quality is a trending topic in the industry. Old models of counting errors and logging them in a spreadsheet are not only hopefully inefficient, they also don’t do justice to the dynamics of the modern localization practice. How then should we run our quality processes? And isn’t it time that we — as an industry — agree on metrics and best practices? In this session we plan to discuss different views with the aim of finding common ground. TAUS DQF is becoming a standard reference for many companies and tools. How do we make sure that we are comparing apples with apples? How can we make the translation industry a more mature industry by making our quality scores more transparent and meaningful? After short presentations by each of the panelists (five in the first part and two in the second part), they will try to answer these pressing questions.