Marketing Content at the Speed of Agile — Game Changing Times for Global Brands
Track: Core Competencies | CC3 |
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Room H1
Julia Cames - GetYourGuide
Lahcene Guerrouj -
Bruno Herrmann - Executive Advisor and Strategic Consultant
Yuka Nakasone - Global Bridge
Moderator: Esther Curiel
Agile methodologies are expanding into the world of content marketing, allowing faster delivery of content and campaigns — and resulting in more tailored content over time that delivers better on the business’s goals. But global markets are rarely included in the equation, and the benefits of agile are reduced to delivering faster localized content. Come hear from online businesses that are embracing agile for global markets. Find out more about how they are doing this, what the trends for the future are and whether it is time for you to introduce agile principles for global marketing content.
Takeaways: Attendees will hear about the current challenges of marketing localization in global business; the best practices created by leading online companies evolving in agile environment and continuous delivery environments; and the areas to focus on in the next few years for successful marketing localization.