Media Localization Today — Challenges and Opportunities

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL1 |
Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 3:15am – 4:00am
Held in: Pavilion
Mazin Al-Jumaili - ZOO Digital 
Sonya Biernath - Deluxe Media 
Julio Leal - Rover
Moderators: Wouter Maagdenberg,
Agnieszka Szarkowska

If you think media localization is not for you, since your organization does not create entertainment content but corporate content – think again. Audiovisual content is everywhere and people spend hundreds of hours watching videos every day. Does your company have a YouTube channel? Do you use social media channels or television commercials? Do you have instructional or educational videos at your organization? Join this panel discussion to hear from seasoned media localization experts on the latest solutions and challenges to help you design the best media localization solutions for the audiovisual content at your organization.