Mentorship — How Investing in People Is the Best Investment You Can Make

Track: Inside Track | IN8 |   Everyone |
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 2:30pm – 3:15pm
Held in: Live 4-5
Sonya Biernath - Deluxe Media 
Swati Narwal - IKEA 
Joanna Tarasiewicz - ATL
Moderator: Maria Kania

Learn how helping shape someone’s future can also help shape yours. In this panel discussion, we will discuss how mentorship has one of the highest ROIs for mentees, mentors, and businesses, and why mentorship needs to be one of the foundations of your professional practices. We’ll look at different mentorship models — from starting where you are with the team you have, to collaborating with organizations that have established mentorship programs. Audience members will be encouraged to share their experiences and ideas. This interactive discussion will include representatives from GALA, Clear Global/TWB, and many more.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn about what it means to be a mentor in the localization industry; learn about what you get from the mentoring experience as a mentee; and be able to talk to people from different organizations about how to become a mentor.