MicroTalks - Kaleidoscope, Citrix

Track: Inside Track | IN4 |   Everyone | MICRO TALK |
Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Room C1-4
Klaus Fleischmann - Kaleidoscope 
Robert O'Keefe - Citrix 
Juliana Pereira - Flow Commerce 
Gregor Rosulnik - GORR
Host: Daniel Goldschmidt

This session will offer several quick and dynamic presentations covering topics and ideas too interesting to ignore:

The Team Is the Key to Quality! – Klaus Fleischmann (Kaleidoscope)
A commonly held belief regarding team success is the superstar effect, that is, including more talent improves the performance of a team. However, studies of team sports have suggested that previous relations and shared experiences among team members improve the mutual understanding of individual habits, techniques and abilities, and therefore enhances team coordination and strategy. Following this approach, it seems our industry has to rearrange its way of managing quality. Instead of focusing on singular “superstar” solutions for each step in translation editing and proofing, we should focus on an integrated collaborative team approach. Our presentation will show how!
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to set up a cooperative system and spirit and thus be able to put quality management on a new level

Prioritizing Globalization Using Business Intelligence – Robert O’Keefe (Citrix)
Citrix applies business intelligence (BI) to measure the return on investment. Now we are taking it one step further and using BI data to reliably prioritize languages and regions in order to maximize revenue growth.
Takeaways: How one can use external and internal data sources to form a prioritization model.

A Peek Behind the Curtain: An Exclusive Look at 2019 Global Consumer and Cross Border Trends – Juliana Pereira (Flow)
In what countries do consumers have the highest expectations for content translation when shopping online? Which parts of an ecommerce site are most important to translate, and how does that differ across locales? What are other barriers preventing global consumers from shopping cross border? These are some of the questions every online retailer needs to ask when crafting a global strategy for site localization. In this presentation we will review findings of a research report conducted in 2019 analyzing 4,000+ data points across 11 markets on consumer behaviors and expectations for international ecommerce. The results may surprise you!
Takeaways: Attendees will come away with hard data to build a business case for the markets they need to invest in for translation to improve onsite conversion. Additionally, they will receive tips on what different content types to prioritize for translation in different markets based on consumer expectations in those locales. Attendees will also learn about the trends and primary challenges across the customer journey impeding cross-border shopping and how to tackle them.

Two Humans and the Screens Between Them – Gregor Rosulnik (GORR)
In this session we will teach a lesson about a family language service provider (LSP), located in one of the smallest European countries, on personal and personalized communication as the essence and human survivor-guide in an industry strongly attuned to technology, automation and screens at the center of our working and living environments. Hand in hand with tech and AI trends, which we gladly embrace, meeting in person and/or dialing phones of our clients or vendors proved to be the key and often not enough appreciated and practiced “tricks” to true, genuine and established business networks.
Takeaways: Attendees will hear a first-hand experience on positive business results arising from personal and personalized communication with clients and vendors; cushioning their tech and AI systems with natural and meaningful communication, inner to every human being, can have a direct impact on how clients and vendors feel about them and positively reflect on their business results; and that digital should always be completed by the actual human word, eye contact, nod of agreement or disagreement, while the people virtually disconnected from them should be treated genuinely, with respect.