Track: Inside Track | IN9 | Everyone |
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: San Jose/Santa Clara
William Schwartz - Alpha CRC
Karen Tkaczyk - MasterWord
Jorrit van der Moolen - Atlassian
In this session, we will offer several quick and dynamic presentations covering topics and ideas too interesting to ignore:
Connecting to 50+ Internal Localization Stakeholders – Jorrit van der Moolen (Atlassian)
When we were faced with the challenge of streamlining connection to over 50 different stakeholders’ repositories with product strings to localize to our translation management system, there was only one thing we could do: build our own integration from the ground up that would organize the pushing and pulling of all the source and translation strings for us.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how a technical integration, built in-house, can manage various product UI strings; and how one integration can manage different stakeholders’ localization requests.
Career Paths and Beyond: Unanticipated Formulas for Localization – Karen Tkaczyk (MasterWord Services)
“Where do you want to be in five years”, asks your manager in your annual review. Do you dread that question? Feel uninspired? In this session, we aim to change that, challenging the norms for typical career paths through a personal story that has broad application to inspire possibilities within our marvelous language industry.
Takeaways: Attendees will hear an inspiring real-life story — a concrete example of successes and lessons learned, with a fresh perspective on potential career paths.
Flatland Reimagined, Localization in the Metaverse – William Schwartz (Alpha CRC)
Flatland, a story about a two-dimensional world first written in 1884 by Edwin Abbott has many parallels to the content and user experience today. The Metaverse and Web 3.0 offer an opportunity for culture and our industry to deliver content in the fourth dimension only dreamed of by Flatland. In this session, we will tell a story from a localization perspective of our current state of content and the vast opportunities of the metaverse that is all around us.
Takeaways: Attendees will get an understanding of the localization opportunities in the metaverse.