Migration without the Migraine: How to Minimize Risks and Costs When Moving to a New TMS
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL7 |
Friday, June 8, 2018, 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Held in: Warsaw Hall 4-5
Tomas Franc - Lokalise
Jenny Reid - Guidewire
Host: Swati Narwal
Sooner or later, every organization faces the challenge of selecting or replacing their translation management system (TMS) and migrating their data. This is a critical, yet surprisingly often vastly underestimated task. Migration of legacy localization assets from one system or tool to another invariably carries extra costs and risks. In this session, we will present best practices developed over the past ten years during numerous TMS selection and migration projects, and will cover how to focus on the most important aspects of the transition to minimize risk and cost. We will outline the most critical activities and what often goes wrong.
Takeaways: Attendees will hear about practical ways of planning for and executing real-life TMS migration projects, how to best protect existing localization assets and the most frequent and costliest mistakes made during TMS selection and migration.