MT Alone Is Not Enough – Enterprise-scale Language AI at Work
Track: Sponsored Session | SS7C |
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 1:30pm – 2:10pm
Held in: San Jose/Santa Clara
Olga Beregovaya - Women in Localization
Over the past few years, the quality of neural machine translation has reached unprecedented levels, allowing companies of all sizes to publish thousands of times more content than ever, across more and more language combinations. While the quality of machine translation (MT) opens tremendous opportunities for conducting business globally, the addition of essential AI-driven platform features makes MT a truly enterprise-scale solution. In this presentation, we will talk about the ways Smartling utilizes AI to help our customers get the maximum benefit from machine translation — from dynamically selecting the best-fit MT engine, to applying custom terminology , to using machine learning algorithms to evaluate the quality of legacy translation management systems, to designing and deploying custom MT training datasets.