On-the-ground Localization Trends in APAC
Track: Localization for Asia | LA8 |
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:30am – 9:00am
Held in: Stream 3
Morgan Gallup Zhu - Nimdzi Insights
Min Tan - Google
What are the trends and insights when Asia-Pacific (APAC) companies start their globalization and localization journey? Google helps clients grow and thrive across borders by providing them market insights and localization best practices when entering to a new market. Nimdzi helps clients to navigate international expansion through research, consulting, stakeholder education and global readiness. In this session we will share what we’ve learned working with APAC teams on global growth challenges.
Takeaways: Attendees will hear what the top concern for APAC companies is when it comes to localization; how local trends in APAC shape an APAC company’s global growth strategy; and how can global companies best service APAC companies.