Predictive Maintenance: Leveraging Content to Maximize Revenue from Field Repair Service

Track: Content Management | CM4 |
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Room H3
Manuel Comiche - Etteplan
Host: Scott Abel

Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) enables manufacturers to collect, analyze and capitalize on machine data, which changes the whole process of service — from early detection for predictive maintenance, to maintenance as a service and entirely new revenue streams. During this session, the discussion will center on how companies are adopting IoT to improve their service, reduce translation costs and downtime, and turn the local customer experience into a center of excellence.

Takeaways: Attendees will hear what content creators, managers and translators need to know about IoT to help their business create new revenue streams; why content is a key element to predictive maintenance and service strategies; and how to make content more engaging to global end users who are increasingly wanting an experience versus the traditional model of content delivery.