Process Innovation Challenge

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |   Everyone |
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 2:00am – 3:00am
Held in: Stream 2
Adam Bittlingmayer - ModelFront 
Wouter Maagdenberg - TXTOmedia 
Marc Mittag - MittagQI – Quality Informatics 
Yi-Qun Ren - Micro Focus 
Martin Svestka - Memsource 
John Weisgerber - XTM International 
Andrzej Zydroń - XTM International
Moderator: Dave Ruane
Hosts: Alessandra Binazzi,
Markus Meisl,
Yuka Nakasone

Process Innovation Challenge

The PIC is a platform for innovations and innovators in the localization and translation industry, held during LocWorld conferences. Innovators have a stage to pitch their ideas to peers and experts. The audience will vote for the Process Innovator of the year.

Takeaways: Investors and other interested parties will get to meet innovators in the localization industry and see the latest localization innovations.

AI-enabled Bilingual Terminology Extraction
We made use of the latest advancements in computational linguistic technology to build a robust bilingual terminology extraction feature. This provides highly accurate results in 50 languages and features a user-friendly output format that both professional terminologists and nonprofessional users can use to quickly create a glossary.
Andrzej Zydroń – XTM International

An Innovative Tool to Auto-detect Layout Issues on Webpages
We have created a tool to auto-detect the common layout issues on localized webpages, such as string truncation, overlap and right-to-left rule violation. We are filing a patent for this tool which should be complete in May of this year.
Yi-Qun Ren, Le Peng – Micro Focus

Business Intelligence-powered Post-editing
It is general practice that all machine translated output is post-edited before it is published. But not all content is made equal. Why dedicate time and money on content that receives little-to-no attention? This innovation aims to use valuable post-editing resources where they can bring real business value.
Martin Svestka – Memsource

Bypassing the I18n Problem by Owning It in the Development Platform
We will introduce an open-source self-development kit embedded in app development platforms that scans for new or updated strings, sends them in a universal internationalization (i18n) format (ICU) to a translation management system in “fileless” mode (over the air). The translations are then delivered from a content delivery service at runtime to the development platform for release.
John Weisgerber, Transifex

Translation Risk Prediction
We introduce quality estimation as a service— instant risk scores on every translated segment.
Adam Bittlingmayer – ModelFront

Watch Instead of Read
We introduce a technical solution that works on top of content management systems (or standalone) and which transforms structured content into audio and video automatically, immediately creating and maintaining localized how-to videos.
Wouter Maagdenberg – TXTOmedia International BV

What You See Is What You Get — Translation for All File Formats in a TMS
With this product you can translate with the perfect layout in context. See how (pre-)translations affect the layout. Understand what the text refers to immediately. This can be used for all printable file formats and for CMS/PIM integrations. See previously translated text in context, including layout and images of your fragments, but only pay for your fragments.
Marc Mittag – MittagQI