Process Innovation Challenge, Round 1

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL4 |
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 4:15pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Warsaw Hall 4-5
Dermot Hannan - Brandt 
Marc Mittag - MittagQI – Quality Informatics 
Takeyoshi Nakayama - Human Science Co., Ltd. 
Ola Persson - WordFinder Software International AB 
Sarah Pokorná - Retro Digital 
Alex Zekakis - XTM International
Moderator: Dave Ruane
Hosts: Kerstin Bier,
Yuka Nakasone,
Jonas Ryberg

Shortlisted process innovators will pitch their innovative process ideas to a panel and the audience. Any method of getting their idea across is supported, but the clock is ticking and the Process Dragons and audience will have their questions. Fast and furious is the pace, and only attendees and the panel will vote for their favorite. The top innovations will go through to the final round on day two, to be named as the LocWorld Process Innovator for Europe 2018.

Yea or Nay – A Binary Approach to If, When and How Much Content to Take through LQA – Alex Zekakis, XTM International
The innovation applies quantifiable parameters to define thresholds and autonomously reach a decision as to if, when and how much content needs to be taken through an language quality assurance (LQA) process by applying weighted factors on top of a specified, measured baseline.

A Single Cloud-based Platform to Generate Tutorials for International Markets – Dermot Hannan, Brandt
Brandt has developed a cloud-based platform and process which integrates with software publishers continuous integration/continuous delivery development to generate localized how-to/explainers and tutorials instantly. The Brandt product applications coordinate the quality assurance and publishing of localized document, text and multimedia content across multiple internal departments and external providers on a single platform.

Modern, Cloud and Community-based Open Source Translation System – Marc Mittag, MittagQI
translate5 is a modern cloud-based open source system with all essential features. It is flexibly extendable through plug-ins, integrates other tools as microservices and all graphical user interface features are usable through application programming interface for process integration. Yet the most innovative is not the software: it is the collaborative community process behind it.

WordFinder Unlimited — Spotify for Dictionaries – Ola Persson, WordFinder
WordFinder offers the professional market a new platform through disruptive innovation with the mission to include all the best dictionaries in the world. The solution delivers a new global standard for providing dictionary and terminology content to professional users. It also introduces a novel mechanism of cooperation with traditional publishers.

Applying Terminology in ANY Neural Machine Translation Engines – Takeyoshi Nakayama, Human Science Co.,Ltd
Our method allows users to use the terminology feature in any neural machine translation (NMT) engine without changing the internal implementation of the NMT engine.

How the Fusion of Digital Marketing and Translation Workflows Have Revolutionized the Way LSPs across Europe Are Handling Multilingual SEO – Sarah Pokorná, Retro Digital
We’ve created our own workflow that has never been done before to help language service providers (LSPs) optimize the way they handle search engine optimization (SEO) translations. By using our template, LSPs have learned how to implement the three vital pillars of SEO into their workflow rather than just focusing on content.