Process Innovation Challenge - Red Hat, Prime Multimedia SL
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL3 |
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Room F
Leigh Blaylock - Red Hat
Constantino de Miguel - Prime Multimedia SL
Klaus Fleischmann - Kaleidoscope
José Juan Martínez Carrascosa - Prompsit Language Engineering S.L.
Wei Zhang - Centific
George Zhao -
Moderator: Dave Ruane
Shortlisted process innovators will pitch their innovative process ideas to a panel and the audience. Any method of getting their idea across is supported, but the clock is ticking and the Process Dragons and audience will have their questions. Fast and furious is the pace, and only attendees and the panel will vote for their favorite. The top two will go through to the final round on day two, to be named as the LocWorld Process Innovator for Europe 2017. The final innovator topics are:
Marketing Localization: Adventures in Planning, Vetting and Agile – Leigh Blaylock (Red Hat)
Conversation-based Localization Process: Skype/Facebook/Slack/WebUI Localization Bots – Wei Zhang (Microsoft)
Enriching Translation Memories with Multilingual Websites – José Juan Martínez Carrascosa (Prompsit Language Engineering, S.L.)
Web-based MM Video Localization – Constantino de Miguel (Prime Multimedia SL)
Transforming Review: From Last-minute Rescue Operations to Strategic Quality Evaluation – Klaus Fleischmann (Kaleidoscope GmbH)
Interpreting Video: Combine Translation, Voiceover and Post-engineering in the Video Localization Process – George Zhao (VideoLocalize Platform)
The second and final round of the Process Innovation Challenge – 16 June, 13:30-14:00
The top two process innovators from day one will go head-to-head. They will delve into further depth on why their process is deserving of glory. The Process Dragons panel will test them and audience members will have a turn to ask questions. Attendees and the panel will vote for their favorite. The victor will be announced LocWorld Process Innovator for Europe 2017.
Process Dragons: Alessandra Binazzi (Alessandra Binazzi Consulting), Jonas Ryberg (Pactera) and Willem Stoeller (Localization Institute)