Rethinking Localization

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Warsaw Hall 4-5
Jay Marciano - Lengoo 
Teresa Marshall - 
Gàbor Ugray - memoQ
Moderator: Willem Stoeller

Many of the presumptions that localization is based on are either wrong now or were always wrong. The idea that most consumers of localization are monolingual is wrong. The idea that most localization is from one or two predominant languages into many is changing fast. As is the idea that most localization is text based. In this panel discussion, we will bring together three wonderfully opinionated experts to challenge our preconceptions and explore what the future really looks like.

Takeaways: ​The attendees’ ideas on localization will be challenged; they will hear well-thought-out ideas on how localization is changing and ideas that are important to the future will be brought up.