When in Rome — or in This Case Tokyo — How “Localized” Translation Can Help Stamp “Made in Japan” on Your Imported Products
Track: Localization for Asia | LA1 |
Thursday, April 14, 2016, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Fuji
Tamaki Asada - NLG GmbH
Host: Anne-Marie Colliander Lind
There is a timeless little secret in the Japanese market. In the Land of the Rising Sun, where consumers believe “Made in Japan” represents the best, it’s advisable for foreign products to masquerade as local. We will address how a properly localized translation can help foreign products to wear a Japanese “disguise.” We will discuss readability issues caused by the unique language structure as well as best practices in working with local offices of international companies, bridging the gap between US or European-based authoring and marketing teams, local Japanese reviewers and marketing specialists and — ultimately the end customer.