Six Key Ingredients to a Healthy and Successful Global Growth Program
Track: Global Business | GB6 | Everyone |
Wednesday, July 13, 2022, 2:15am – 3:00am
Held in: Bellevue
Naho Inuyama - Atlassian
Mariëtte Pepping - ServiceNow
Hartmut von Berg - GoTo Technologies
Moderator: Steve Maule
Global brands typically have three requirements for localization activities: cost efficiency, tight timelines, and high volumes – tough to strike a balance when there are multiple stakeholders and goals. To achieve international growth and meet these requirements, you need a strategic and scalable localization program. In this session, we will share real-life experiences on how to use a framework of six interdependent elements to build a multilingual strategy. These six key ingredients: team, talent, technology, process, quality, and governance, bring structure and support to any strategy and give stability in a constantly changing economic climate.
Takeaways: Attendees will hear actionable advice on how to establish a localization strategy from scratch; how to identify the six key areas, achieve stakeholder buy in, and assign goals and resources; and how to get the most out of the language service provider (LSP) partnership – whether they are single or multiple LSPs.