Smart Leverage of AI Power

Track: Multilingual AI | TA6 |
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 2:30pm – 3:15pm
Held in: Auditorium
Anna Schlegel - Procore 
Lucie Séguin - Government of Canada, Translation Bureau 
Peng Wang - Localization Institute 
Chris Wendt - Microsoft

Language is one of the most amazing manifestations of human intelligence. No wonder artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on natural languages since the 1950s. How will AI shape our future, and in what direction? While leveraging AI-powered language capabilities, how can we continue to encourage our humanity and creativity? To use AI to our advantage, what procedures and guidelines are needed in various areas of localization such as process, neural machine translation and intelligent search? What are the strategic plans we should make to adapt to AI-driven changes? In this panel discussion attendees will hear voices on this topic from a client, language service provider and AI technology innovator.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn that It’s not just about AI — it’s about humans! It will feature a focus on augmented intelligence shared by industry leaders that will inspire.