Tales from the Enterprise: Key Strategies for Running a Localization Center of Excellence
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 |
Friday, October 28, 2016, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Westmount
Christiane Bernier -
Yuka Kurihara - Scaled Agile, Inc.
Richard Maher - Akamai Technologies
Moderator: André Pellet
In this panel presentation, globalization leaders from Dell, Akamai, Pitney Bowes and SDL will discuss the essential ingredients needed to run a successful localization operation. The group will share recommendations around the operating model they use (self-service, full-service or other), how they align and staff their teams to achieve their goals, the technologies they use to build efficiencies, and how they establish and nurture relationships with their vendors. The discussion will be interactive and engaging, and offer real examples of what works well and what has proven more challenging for these organizations.
Takeaways: Strategies for running a high-performing localization operation; specific recommendations around models, staffing and technology; and key takeaways from both successes and missteps.