Netflix Uses MQM Metrics
Track: TAUS | TS7 |
Friday, November 3, 2017, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Held in: Mission City Ballroom 4
Sussu Laaksonen - Netflix
Host: Anne-Maj van der Meer
The Netflix globalization team handles a wide variety of content from legal texts and user interface (UI) strings to TV show descriptions and marketing assets. To measure the quality of their various verticals, they are implementing a Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM)-based quality audit system that addresses the goals and needs of their different content types. Join us to take a look under the hood of their methodology and tool solution.
Takeaways: The flexibility of MQM is remarkable, but implementation is complex. You’ll see how Netflix navigated this complexity to achieve easy-to-understand metrics. You’ll learn about how they manage quality expectations between fast-paced product teams, worldwide marketing, social media, Hollywood movie studios and most importantly, their users.