Managing the Linguistic Quality of Global Content

Track: TAUS | TS1 |
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Mission City Ballroom 4
Klaus Fleischmann - Kaleidoscope 
Val Swisher - Content Rules, Inc.
Host: Anne-Maj van der Meer

The age of content marketing is increasing the volume and the quality requirements for global content, while product life cycles are getting ever shorter. In a global context, strategically managing linguistic quality using clear key performance indicators and an efficient and effective process is a massive challenge. Learning from the best, we look at how global forerunners are handling this task, and we illustrate a best practice approach on how to manage the end to end quality of source and target texts, to drive the process through data and to turn it from generalized “blaming and rescue” operations to an end to end strategy.

Takeaways: A thorough analysis of best practice provides the basis for a hands-on approach to managing linguistic quality, allowing attendees to tackle the task of managing the linguistic quality of their content as soon as they return to the office.