Translation Technology Round Table

Track: Preconference | P05 |
Special Registration Requirement
Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Longueuil
Richard Sikes - memoQ 
Angelika Zerfaß - zaac

The primary focus of the inaugural Translation Technology Round Table will be on technology migration. We will facilitate open communication about real-world issues, problem resolutions and wishes for technology improvement. Participation is by invitation only. Participants must be users of technology or interested buyers. No sales representatives will be present, although solution specialists or technical support personnel may attend.

To obtain an invitation, please contact Richard Sikes.


1:30-2:00 Introductions and Opening Statements

2:00-3:00 Moving between Technologies

  • Migration between tools
    • What does migration mean for your new tool’s effectiveness?
    • What gets lost?
    • What else needs to be migrated?
  • File format migration
    • What impact can the change of file format have on your translation process (for example, match rates)?
    • Translation memory to translation memory?
    • Authoring format to authoring format?

3:00-3:30 Break

3:30-4:30 Combining Technologies

  • Translation memory (TM) and machine translation (MT)
    • What needs to be done to connect a TM system to an MT system?
    • Which MT technologies lend themselves more graciously to connectivity?
    • What impact does this have on users?

4:30-5:00 Open Session for Ad Hoc Topics