How Terminology Drives Agilent’s “One Voice” Strategy

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 | SPLIT SESSION |
Friday, June 10, 2016, 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Held in: Liffey A
Carmen Avilés Suarez - Agilent Technologies, Inc. 
Andrew Lawless - Team Lawless
Host: Katherine (Kit) Brown-Hoekstra

In this case study we will focus on how terminology management at Agilent evolved from the redheaded stepchild to a strategic initiative that drives everything from authoring and translation to search engine optimization or branding. “Speaking with one voice” in all the target languages often poses a challenge to even the greatest multinationals. The success depends on manifold translation-related factors such as high quality, low turnaround time or consistent branding. Terminology management answers those needs. Learn how Agilent quantifies and qualifies its benefits in terms of user experience, brand recognition and cost savings in translation quality control as well as increased leveraging from translation memories.

Takeaways: Attendees will understand the localization challenges of a multinational company; see best practices for facilitating localization with terminology management; and recognize the main translation-related fields where terminology management can reduce costs.