The Bright Side of Africa: Unlocking Opportunities in a Digitally Connected Africa Through People and Ingenuity
Track: Keynote | K1 | Everyone |
Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 12:15am – 1:00am
Held in: Remo
Mulumba Lwatula - Industrial Development Corporation
Africa’s economic growth over the past decade, coupled with its burgeoning youthful population, has made it the youngest and fastest-growing continent in the world. It is estimated that by 2035, Africa will have the world’s largest and youngest labor force — thus creating a workforce that will not only be well educated but prosperous and influential. For Africa, and the world, to benefit from this demographic dividend, a concerted effort will be required through innovative solutions and networks to tackle the continent’s challenges. The recently enacted Africa Continental Free Trade Area promises the free flow of people, goods, and services giving rise to a digitally connected super continental market but major investments in infrastructure, systems, and people will be paramount.