The Buy vs. Build Dilemma: How to Navigate an Ocean of Capability Options
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL5 | Everyone |
Thursday, June 13, 2019, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Auditorium
Daniel Goldschmidt - LocWorld
Kamilla Krawczyk - RWS Moravia
Host: Richard Sikes
Build or buy? If you’re putting together a technology stack for your business, it’s a question you’ve encountered. There’s a freedom to being able to custom tailor the technology to your business, but there’s also a cost that involves more than just developer salaries. And maybe it doesn’t need to be one or the other? In this session, we will share some of the schools of thought that are out there on this question and share some “war stories” and techniques.
Takeaways: Attendees will take away ideas and techniques for how to address the build vs. buy dilemma in their own practices.