The Customer Speaks, but Are You Listening?

Track: Language Service Providers | LSP11 |   Everyone |
Thursday, July 30, 2020, 4:45am – 5:15am
Held in: Stream 1
Paul Doherty - Strategy Management Consultants Ltd

There is a chronic lack of customer care in the localization industry. This problem can be looked at in isolation, for example, “your customers are talking to you, but you’re not listening” or it can be seen in the wider context of company culture and how it relates to how we treat our customers. Examined in this wider context, we can see the benefits of using customer feedback as input to continual improvement, devolving decision making to process practitioners and even as input to company strategy. Listening to what your customers say, using the voice of the customer as input to continual improvement will deliver results more quickly and for less money. These results are immediately visible to your customers and are more beneficial than the current obsession with technology.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to differentiate themselves from other service providers, use a system for listening to their customers to continually improve their service and learn how to involve the whole organization in customer care.