The DITA Translation Management Challenge in Japan
Track: Localization for Asia | LA3 |
Thursday, April 14, 2016, 2:00pm – 2:45pm
Held in: Fuji
Tetsuya Sekine - InfoParse, Inc.
Host: Angelika Zerfaß
DITA has now been adopted by many global companies in Japan. DITA Consortium Japan was organized and founded at the end of 2008 and has been promoting this OASIS standard for almost seven years. Unlike US Silicon Valley companies, most DITA adopters are global manufacturers selling hardware products worldwide. Now with the public release of DITA 1.3 standard and the new Lightweight DITA initiative, DITA’s topic-based component architecture and its topic-based information development skill are highly required and demanded by both in localization and technical communication service providers. In this session, we will introduce and also propose the processes executed by Japanese service providers adopting this new framework.