The Future of Localization: Adapting to a Digital-First Universe to Achieve International Growth

Track: Content Management | CM12 |
Thursday, June 10, 2021, 2:00pm – 2:45pm
Held in: Jujama 3
Kajetan Malinowski - Lionbridge 
Jaime Punishill - Lionbridge

The coronavirus pandemic dramatically accelerated digital transformation, resulting in an explosion of content and increased pressure to localize this content faster. Organizations must operate differently to effectively deliver content globally across all digital channels and languages. In this presentation, attendees will learn strategies to keep up with volume, discover how to blend marketing and localization functions for competitive advantage, and learn best practices to manage content lifecycles to create engaging content faster and achieve better content ROI. A leader of the localization industry is at the forefront of emerging trends and will share insights to enable companies to succeed.

Takeaway: Attendees will learn how to deliver consistent customer experiences across all digital channels and languages.