The Impact of COVID-19 and How It Will Change the Industry
Track: Engage Global Users | EG14 |
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 1:30pm – 2:00pm
Held in: Stream 1
Wayne Bourland - Dell Technologies
Eric Jones - RWS
Covid-19 was a force majeure that thrust all business further toward the digital age seemingly overnight. As nearly every individual in the world was forced to rethink their daily lives from work to school to entertainment, the companies that were further along in their own digital transformation proved to be more nimble and more easily able to shift strategies that enabled business continuity and consumer access to their products, services and brands. This reinforced the goal of digital transformation being able to make lives easier (and safer) — elements which became essential during this new reality. In this session we will look at best practices and lessons learned by a top global brand in the face of Covid-19.
Takeaways: Attendees will take away an understanding of best practices and lessons learned by some of the top global brands in the face of Covid-19. This will help them evaluate their own crisis response strategies and where they are in their digital transformation journey to ensure they’re able to be nimble and have business continuity in the event of similar crisis situations.