The Okapi Framework in Action
Track: Technical | T5 |
Friday, October 19, 2018, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Pacific Boardroom
Dale Eggett - Lingotek
Yves Savourel - Argos Multilingual
Giuseppe Silvano - MateCat
Host: Donna Parrish
In this session we aim to provide a short overview of Okapi, a well-established open-source localization framework providing filters, connectors and many utilities. We will demonstrate through several concrete examples how Okapi is used in production with existing systems servicing thousands of users and offering competitive performances with other commercial solutions. We will also show how the development is structured in an open-source community, and how this type of organization allows even competitors to work together to benefit the entire industry.
Takeaways: Attendees will get the basics about the Okapi Framework; have a concrete understanding of how its components can be organized together and integrated into other environments; and understand the benefits of taking advantage of open-source technologies in their localization systems.