The State of Post-editing

Track: TAUS | TS4 |
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Held in: Salons 2-3 Rom
Diego Bartolome - 
John Moran - CNGL/ADAPT 
Selçuk Özcan - Transistent
Host: Jaap van der Meer

According to the TAUS MT Market Report (August 2014) post-editing machine translation (MT) is quickly becoming a mainstream translation production process. Many translation memory systems connect with an MT system through an API and prepopulate all the “empty” segments. It’s time to review the current practices. In this session a technology provider, a researcher and tool builder and an entrepreneur who builds a dedicated post-editing business will present their perspectives on the state of post-editing. The presentations will be short to make sure that there is sufficient time for questions, answers and discussions. The experts on this panel will prepare some clear take-aways for the audience.