The Ultimate Discussion on Translation Quality Evaluation

Track: TAUS | TS3 |
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Salons 2-3 Rom
Sharon Austin - Sajan Inc. 
Klaus Fleischmann - Kaleidoscope 
Arle Lommel - CSA Research 
Yael Sela - Google 
Antonio Tejada - Capita Translation and Interpreting 
Bodo Vahldieck - VMWare
Moderator: Jaap van der Meer

Translation quality is a trending topic at industry conferences these days. To pretend that this will be the “ultimate discussion” is pure irony. But we certainly have gathered a wise and varied panel of specialists. Two global software companies present their perspectives on methodologies and systems to ensure the most effective quality evaluation (QE). Two large language service providers present their metrics and scalable solutions. And one QE technology provider presents his software solution. Last but not least we have a researcher who presents the harmonization of DQF and MQM error typologies. And then there is you – the audience – who will take at least half of the session time (90 minutes!) to question everything and debate the ultimate solution. The panel will conclude with dos and don’ts: a take-away that will help everyone who faces similar challenges in their everyday practice.