Three Key Things Medical Device Companies Should Know about Localization for M&A
Track: Global Business | GB8 |
Friday, June 8, 2018, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Rooms 4-6-8
David Jasinski - Boston Scientific
Marek Zapalski - Donnelley Language Solutions
Host: Anne-Marie Colliander Lind
The top ten mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals in the medical device (MEDDEV) sector equaled $65 billion in 2017, making it among the most active sector for M&A in recent years. Benefits are significant, but the process comes with unexpected headaches when important gaps in regulatory compliance are found, driven by issues with resources, budgets and expertise. Boston Scientific joins us for this presentation to discuss the needs of large MEDDEV companies and why translation is more important than ever — to align regulatory and quality systems for compliance, to localize existing marketing materials and to integrate processes and products for business continuity.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn why translation is more important than ever in ensuring system integration in case of an M&A in the MEDDEV sector. Partnering for success — language technology and expertise in both medical devices and finance to properly address the language needs that arise every step of the way and to collaborate with the many stakeholders involved during the deal. Confidentiality — as the language service provider must guarantee not only high-quality work but also the utmost confidentiality, we will present software and virtual data rooms to host due diligence documents online for M&A transactions.