Tiered Localization — A Way to Better Serve Business
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL9 |
Thursday, October 21, 2021, 10:45am – 11:30am
Held in: Jujama
Sabine Peng - VMWare
Hongmei Shi - VMWare
Global technologies, economic changes, and company mergers and acquisitions are reshaping the localization requirements. How to better satisfy those requirements with optimized localization cost while providing transparency to stakeholders? A comprehensive framework, tiered localization can do that. It takes all aspects of requirements into account with data-driven directions, combines the localization team’s capabilities armed with new technologies to design a customized localization solution which improves the localization cost efficiency and helps with team collaboration and localization advocacy to all stakeholders. In this presentation, we will share the structure of the framework from requirements analysis to solution creation, three tiers are defined with three approaches to meet different requirements. We will also share some real cases showing business unit feedback, how raw-machine translation (MT) expanded localization coverage, and how the overall quality score for MT is calculated. We will also share our outlook for the future.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the localization requirements analysis for an industry leading company; the tiered localization framework and its practical implementation; and the calculation formula for the overall quality score for machine translation.